The Animation in Receiving Art

painter's palette with turquoise and persimmonSuch second-hand creative raptures in recent days. I feel blessed. Sometimes, opening the heart to another’s art is as marvelous as the inspiration to express.

Yesterday, I got dazzled by a psychologically intriguing Juliette Binoche film called Certified Copy. Following Ms. Binoche’s character and her paramour through their reality-shifting interactions is a levitational experience.

This morning, I felt my world levitate when I watched Billy Collins’ TED talk, in which he shares five poems accompanied by animations. Again, the delighted surprise I got is what I want to share, so I won’t describe it, except to say the poems are miraculous, even for un-fans of poetry, and Collins is hilarious. Full background on all the artists is at

Web culture offers infinite temptations to be a copyist, to click Share or Forward or Paste, and somehow half-claim credit as a source. My primary life-school, right now, is about creating original works, so I rarely find myself in the “Hey, watch this” zone. This time, I am so in awe of, so lit up by, the heart and brilliance I received second-hand, I humbly offer the links.

Esoterically, I’m aware that my experience of them creates new realities, and my sharing of them changes the world in ever-widening ripples – so I’m aware of my transmitter/ transformer role while I’m in “receiving” mode.

My tenderest wish is that  some day I’ll be part of creating art that gives as much to someone else as these experiences have given to me. (I feel almost as exposed in revealing what touches me as I do in sharing my own work.) I hope delight pours forth from here, whoever’s hand was at the origin-wheel at the time.

About Cat and the Gateways