I’m writing to you at midnight on a moonless night, from inside the warmth of an ink-black pool, a mountainside hot spring in the high desert.
Oceans of stars glitter overhead in the clear sweet air. The only sounds are a soft breeze soughing through the trees, unseen critters skittering through pine needles.
This is where I imaginally sank when I dropped in to solve the seasonal separation between me and some dear ones in the southern hemisphere, for whom the tilted-light year is reaching its peak. This hot mineral pool in the night mountains, final scene of my favorite long-ago screenplay, offered the introspective cool dark of my north and the bright-lit heat of their south. So I could write within Solstice, for all of us.
In the screenplay, two characters have separately endured extreme losses and injuries. He suggests this place for a reprieve together, and she, her cautious controlled old world gone, agrees. I had forgotten how this fantastical starlit hot soak felt until my reverie, listening for some sort of universal communion in these fractionated times.
I relaxed into the vision, floating, and saw a new sky – filled with infinities of stars so recently revealed by the Webb telescope. Among the close-packed stars, explosions of possible futures drew zigzagging pathways through my mind’s-eye, like the art of alien constellations since familiar pictures were wiped out by new light. I saw the multiverse, all potential quantum-alternative lives threaded out and interweaving with this life, intersecting in this moment. I had the felt sense I couldn’t choose deliberately which way to go next, which universe to aim for, but would be best served by amplifying my heart energy – thus being magnetized toward whatever jagged path was in greatest resonance with that vibration.
Gone were the habitual good ideas to reassemble old selves and parts of selves to create a new world-building machine, cobbling life out of pieces that once upon a time knew what they were doing. I still love feeling the dynamism of inner systems of interactive parts, appreciating their nervous-system wisdom, glad to hear their messages with greater clarity every day. But the delusion of being able to create a true path out of old parts has dis-solved – in this ink-black pool under the stars, this mineral solution. (I may never tire of delight in all the versions of alchemical solutio, a return of matter to its original undifferentiated state, in a litany that plays when the calendar announces it’s time to dis-solve the old formulations and prepare for fresh re-solutions.)
No matter when or where this is read, it is a new Now. Every day, every breath, is new life – in many possible universes. How will you amplify your heart’s highest warmest deepest vibration?
Photo Credit: Tyler Domingue via Unsplash