Writing & Editing Services

My assistance to you responds to your unique priorities. My credentials, and your range of choices, are summarized on the About page. Payment options are on the Store page, and it’s possible to expand from there and negotiate individual discounts and plans.

For a sense of how I approach the creative life in general, you can click on tags in the word cloud. For a quick glance, I include below a sampling of what you’ll find when you click on writing, editing, or creativity.


Speculative Magical Links (2013)   A major find was … The Wave in the Mind, with [Ursula K. Le Guin’s] exuberant and frequently hilarious essays on writing. The title comes from … Virginia Woolf’s image of inspiration coming in rhythmic waves: / “[T]he writer’s job is to go down deep enough to begin to feel that rhythm … to be moved by it, and let it move memory and imagination to find words … to recognize the wave, the silent swell, way out at sea, way out in the ocean of the mind, and follow it to shore, where it can turn or be turned into words, unload its story, throw out its imagery, pour out its secrets. And ebb back into the ocean of story.”

Voice, Format, Audience (2013)   Mercy. Another writing career. The inner machinery of expression – the place I go to inside, to feel words form – is changing again…. I didn’t expect this as an independent, who was supposedly autonomous and single-voiced at last. Long ago, when I left a staff-writer assignment, I kept “sounding like” the old organization for a while….


Storied Synchronicity (2015)   After an editorial project that enchanted me day and night for a month, I’ve spent days getting back to myself with … exotic literature to whisk me into other inner worlds. / This morning, noticing my mind had again wafted back into the project – one that altered my deep interior and will nourish me for a long time – I flipped open a book to reset my imagination, to open up the Present moment. [excerpt from Italo Calvino’s Invisible Cities about how we evolve through our interactions]

The Enneagram: Editorial Enthusiasm (2015)   I’d known the publishers were going to say something nice about my contribution, but I was still exhilarated to see it in print (special thanks to me for my “brilliant copy-editing skills”).


Gold Threads in the Dark (2020)   Feeling creative is, for some of us, a life-support function – especially in recent times. / It’s easiest for those who have shelter and food, while holding awareness of those who don’t. For hundreds of millions, just thinking up and acting on the next step toward survival – if survival is still possible – is a supremely creative act.

Self Portraits (2017)   Now that I’ve recalled this portrait memory, I feel refreshed in publishing a blog post: In a sense, I’m painting a self-portrait, knowing there’s a whole arc of easels out there, painting my words in your own minds with your own palettes and perceptions. / [There] are also hundreds of little inner artists painting my own interior screens of impressions of everything….