Seven-Story Forgiveness

Every word, every thought, changes along the vibrational scale of consciousness, so that its meaning is different depending on the speaker’s intent and the listener’s awareness – creating the sound of different notes and tones with a single word. I wrote about this earlier in relation to ‘gratitude’: in the lowest vibrations, ‘gratitude’ feels like helpless […]

The Weird Self-Help of Sadness

I’ve been remembering how freeing, how life-enhancing it is, to allow deep sadness to rise and move – becoming fully, even bodily, aware of its origins and meanings – and then to notice it slipping into nothingness, once it’s been bathed in the light of consciousness. In radio stories leading up to today’s Titanic  centennial, […]

First Wordals

Wordals – as word-portals – evolved in my writing practice as mind-unlocking gateways into higher/deeper states of awareness. Unlocking the traps of words frees the mind into a more vast experience of being alive. All around us now is talk of potential new universal languages, decryption of recently discovered ancient languages, possibly extraterrestrial symbolic and […]