A Perfect Score of 42

I found a new way to relax, even feel more creative and awake, when hearing the word ‘perfect’. My mind started chewing on it after two encounters with someone steeped in fashion philosophies: In the first, he announced that painful difficulties reflected the perfection of the moment; in the second, he said he wasn’t perfect. […]

The Weird Self-Help of Sadness

I’ve been remembering how freeing, how life-enhancing it is, to allow deep sadness to rise and move – becoming fully, even bodily, aware of its origins and meanings – and then to notice it slipping into nothingness, once it’s been bathed in the light of consciousness. In radio stories leading up to today’s Titanic  centennial, […]

Three Liberating Choices

A favorite mind-shift, from long ago, recently popped to mind: a three-way option presented by Eckhart Tolle in The Power of Now. He posed the choices, in a conflict, as Accept the situation, Work to change it, or Separate from it – instead of the “normal insanity” of down-spiraling in non-stop objections. I got a […]

Accept What?

“Accept what is” – a buzz-phrase floating through the awakening ethos of the transformation culture – carries wildly different meanings, depending on speaker and listener. In its most liberated, liberating, creative sense, it translates as “allow one’s inner vantage point to center in, and perceive/experience everything through the lens of, an awareness so expansive that […]