Re-Oriented Spring

three baby robins with open beaksRebirth freshens the air, now from a different perspective. My mind’s eye sees Earth tilting, northern hemisphere more warmed and brightened by a fireball, itself hurtling through space at hundreds of thousands of miles per hour in a giant galaxy – a spiral of light among millions.

Scoping in closer, I feel, simultaneously, the entry into darker times for the southern hemisphere. I hope they enjoyed the surprising shiny mornings and evenings when it was their turn.

The grander and more total my awareness, the tinier I realize I am, the more blip-like the seasons of my own life. This newly intimate smallness intensifies the beauty of every fuzzy bud and baby bird, makes them more personal, more miraculous, makes every flower and sapling a treasure.

Scoping to the other extreme, every instant is Spring: the expression of energetic seeds planted moments or eons ago, time to plant more. Still, the sweet breezes and new-grass aromas let it be felt, physically.

Scoping back out to the planet: hello to my friends in the south, preparing to harvest a long summer, moving into dreams of winter’s dark. This borderland between light and shadow is magic. Equinox highlights the balance. Maybe I’ll set the clock for pre-dawn, to be fully aware of the Moment.

About Cat and the Gateways